TBG offers a range of professional services delivered from a platform with clear distinctions in the marketplace.

TBG focuses on the resolution of critical, confidential and often urgent issues related to executive compensation, governance, organization and operations – guiding solutions through recommendations established from years of experience and insightful analysis. TBG focuses exclusively on the real estate industry, and the range of services it offers are not conflicted or compromised by other services such as accounting/tax, financing, executive search, or mergers/ corporate transactions.

TBG is comprised exclusively of experienced professionals committed to your success. We are not overly focused on “what everyone else does,” instead, believing that that such reference points are only one of many possible starting points for an effective solution to an issue in your company. Our approach and analysis are unique for each assignment. We are not constrained by generic “Programs” force fit to the circumstances of your organization, or to standard management reports.

Most importantly, we are professionals experienced in the often difficult reality of implementing change designed from TBG recommendations. We are committed to the highest professional standards, your company’s success, and your competitive advantage.

Service Area

Issues and Situations Generate Needs for Independent Advice

CEO and
Senior Executive

Strong independent Board governance, CEO/management leadership, business and real estate industry issues, as well as investor perceptions of executive compensation, all contribute to the assessment/design of appropriate public and private company compensation policy and practice.

TBG works with clients to insure market competitive CEO/Senior Executive compensation plans, the alignment of compensation and corporate strategy, clarity in the relationship between compensation and performance, appropriate incentive plan design, and the ability to recruit and retain CEO/key executives. > More Information


Industry leading governance requires appropriate Board structure and effective policy/practices to sustain independent, active, involved and committed members focused on strategic direction, shareholder interests, enterprise value, and management motivation and retention.

In conjunction with an environment of regulatory mandate and investor scrutiny, TBG works with clients to: support and sustain the responsibilities of Board and Committees; develop policy to effectively align management and shareholders; provide the context to assess compensation and performance; establish an active CEO/ management succession plan/process; and create competitive outside Board member compensation plans.
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Management Compensation

For compensation to drive performance … it must first be well aligned with performance, making market competitive total compensation an essential strategic as well as tactical decision for real estate companies, to attract and retain key management, and define a competitive advantage.

TBG is often asked by clients perform an independent review of executive and operating management compensation plans, validate market levels of compensation, recommend short-term and long-term incentive plan design, provide an industry perspective on performance award structure, and define improvements to better align performance, strategy and compensation. > More Information

Incentive Plan
Design and
Performance Criteria

The essentials of effective pay for performance plans include clarity of performance criteria and performance measurement, well-defined evaluation procedures and tracking mechanisms, and communication of expectations.

TBG has vast experience in establishing and implementing: comprehensive performance criteria/measures; assessment structures by level, position and functional team; clarifying performance measurement and evaluation criteria for positions, regions or departments; balancing award structure – mixing cash, equity and timing, and aligning them with corporate strategy and objectives. > More Information


In the competitive marketplace, pressure to reduce costs, strategic plan changes, growth in assets/ geography, or concerns over productivity and efficiency, all can lead companies to consider organizational changes – and any such changes can be complex to determine and complete.

TBG has implemented many successful public and private real estate company organizational transitions, applying its skills and experience in clarifying and delineating organizational issues, identifying constraints and problems, defining design options and impacts, and examining administrative costs and process issues. > More Information

Operational Effectiveness

Meeting strategic growth targets, achieving financial performance concerns, establishing budget targets/assumptions, effective resource allocation, productivity objectives and financial or operating restructuring, all require the careful construction and management of business plans.

TBG’s work with clients has often involved the independent evaluation of operating issues and procedures, estimates of cost reduction and benchmarks for efficiency, review of business plans, modeling the economics of “in-house” vs. “service outsource” approaches to functions, and the preparation of business plans for company, functions or regions.
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Although companies are always adapting to new circumstances, often there are major shifts in strategy, financial structure, leadership, or a merger/acquisition that are the cause of a more significant transition in people, functions, organization, responsibility and processes, and those moments require assistance from outside experience.

TBG has been responsible for the successful transition of companies where growth or merger has required a new organization structure and where downsizing/outsourcing has impacted many employees – leading the staging, concurrent operation, process review, re-aligning of authority and responsibility, and communication of change which are critical responsibilities in a short time period. > More Information

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